*May not contain actual decorations.
2019 – good year or good riddance?
Greetings and happy holidays to one and all!
In lieu of Christmas cards I’ve decided to go digital with a resumé of the year that was 2019. So, make a cuppa tea, get comfy and I’ll try not to waffle too much…
January 2019
A New Year celebrated in Faro Portugal where Eva and I spent a post Christmas week exploring the coastline and marvelling at the outdoor escalator in the town… It was our first al fresco escalator and the highlight of our trip.
The last week of January saw me donning a frock once again in the name of Panto and not just for my own entertainment.
The Panto in question was Treasure Island and I played a singing and dancing Mrs Hawkins. It was a great show with lovely people and a fab way to return to the stage daaarling!
Awesome isn’t it?
Mrs Hawkins receiving the sad news of her husbands demise.
I do all my own make up. This was done in Photoshop…
The cast of Treasure Island >>
February 2019
After all the galavanting about on stage was done, we settled in for a quiet February, in my opinion the most miserable month of the year, at least in DK. I finally did a spot of work and built a website for Nordic Geo Support and promptly spent my hard earned wages on a bargain on the Ebay >>>
February the 22nd saw a merry throng of musicians descending on Mediasound Studios for a recording session. Nina, Kristian, Eva, Bjørn and I spent a happy day with technician Jesper recording the Yum Yum Song & Bussemandsangen
I bought Jimi Hendrix’s fingernails on the Ebay!
The songs and videos have yet to go as viral as I’d like, but with 20,000 views on Youtube and many viewers in (for some obscure reason) Indonesia the Yum Yum song has a global audience.
March 2019
The first two weeks of March were spent preparing for the release party of the Yum Yum Song on the 17th. Eva & I produced many tasty snacks and beverages for the party including snot shots, poo with toenails and crunchy earwax.
Once the hectic hustle and bustle of baking snot balls and other such delicacies was done, we began preparing for a well earned holiday – Sri Lanka here we come…
Eva busy making belly button fluff.
April 2019
3 lovely weeks of sun, sights and elephants! Sri Lanka is a fantastic island.